AC Inverter Toshiba – VFAS1-2037PL – Applicable motor 3.7kW – Output Capacity 6.7kVA – Output Current 17.5A – Output Voltage 3-phase, 200 to 240V – Power supply 3-phase, 200 to 240V . 50/60Hz – Built-in Dynamic Braking Circuit – Built-in EMI noise filter (Demonstration unit)
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[TOSHIBA inverter series]
The TOSHIBA inverter drives 3 phase induction motor at any speed easily. The Toshiba inverter can be used for energy saving and the other various usages.
[Features of the TOSHIBA inverter]
– Built-in noise filter (VF-AS3, VF-AS1, VF-MB1, VF-PS1, VF-S15, VF-FS1)
– Harmonics reduction (VF-AS3, VF-AS1, VF-PS1 and all models of VF-FS1)
– Complied with UL, CE and CSA at all series
– Open field network
Note: Please refer each inverter series about details.
Energy saving
90 percents of the amount of greenhouse gas discharge of our country is carbon dioxide( CO2 ), and about 90 percent of the amount of these carbon dioxide is generated in energy.
So, the energy saving has become indispensable to preservation of earth environment.
We support you the energy saving with our technology and precise consideration.
Harmonics Suppression
Harmonics caused by inverter affects power source or others equipment connected to same power source with inverter.
Therefore, we prepare input (line) reactor and DC reactor as optional devices for reducing harmonics.
We support countermeasuring harmonics problems by converter system that we developed “Neutral point converter system” first time in the world.
Safety precautions
Read the instruction manual and other attached manual before use the inverter, installing, operating, inspecting or maintaining the inverter unit.
Please gain a good understanding of the machine information, safety information and safety precautions.
Sticking caution labels
Here are examples of caution labels designed to prevent accidents caused by an inverter, a motor or a machine.
When selecting the automatic restart function or the retry function, stick the applicable label to a conspicuous position.
Please stick the caution label to a conspicuous position when selecting the sequence that automatically restarts the machine after recovery from a mini power failure.